Fast-flash forward to Tuesday, when the wedding (or preliminary wedding, although they did officially get married) weekend was over. My brother, brother-in-law and I had packed and left our mansion of a rental, hiked the Keuka trails with our other sibs, said goodbye to our Florida family boarding the plane, and then bid adieu to my aunt, uncle and cousins who were staying at their lake house for another day or so.
But instead of heading home to NYC once we got back in the car, B-I-L suggested we stretch our vacation and stay at a place he remembers that I had read about in Vogue. He looked up prices and was like, "Who's in?" This has typically happened with our Lake escapes this year. We just don't want to leave...yet.
And this turned into another night at another hotel as well but that story and returning home/having lost complete track of what day it was leads into another great story which I'll write about in another post. Lots of beautiful, poignant, funny memories from this trip.

Anyhoo, we were at the Lake House, happy to settle after leaving our glorious rental but also being scrubby from the packing and hiking. This hotel was beautiful and allowed dogs. (Thank goodness...because even though Cabrini is 2 lbs, has a great personality and does not bark in public, she still is a dog and is still, by that definition, absolutely not allowed in some places.)
We showered and felt new again. We were doing makeup/ combing hair/ getting ready, as we had just also made impromptu plans to invite B's aunt and uncle to dinner with us, if they'd want to make the drive from Belhurst Castle, as it was their 35th wedding anniversary! It was kind of an ingenious idea and I wonder if this was in Brad's head earlier in the day, or he just came up with it that afternoon. During this prep time, I got a phone call. I guess it was a Tuesday, but when you've been wedding circuiting for days...well, it just felt like a Friday to me.
I asked the guys to be quiet and got out my pen and paper (the wine-tasting list from Ravines Winery because...use what your have). Here goes: I have decreased bone density and am in the early stages of osteoporosis. My pituitary hormone/hypothalumus is fine, but my T3 and T4 are outside of normal. I should probably see a medical endocrinologist (as opposed to simply an endocrinologist?) and may need thyroid meds and replacement therapy. But before that, they want to do a karyotype test of my chromosomal makeup, and then after that, I'll need a follow-up appointment with Dr. S.
More fun for future me.
Time to continue vacation, as this is a lot to process and again, too much to even begin to talk about without having anything conclusive. We are going to have a great evening!