The day I get my anti-body test results. In Hudson County, regular citizens were finally able to get tested for antibodies. I was only sick that one time at the end of February, and even though Covid-19 wasn't known to be in the United States yet (that's what we were told at the time, on that day), I knew with all of my coworkers getting sick throughout January and February that something was going around. We all had different symptoms, but most of us tested positive for antibodies in May. Indeed, I had had Covid-19.
I made an appointment with a specialist and feel confident, though still scared knowing that I had Covid-19 and that may have messed my body up. And what if, back in February/ March, I got my miracle Dr. sick?! Or anyone else in her office?! All of the constantly changing information is stressful. The news is stressful. What is the news, even?
But, I'm feeling OK about this. Even if this doesn't work out --- these follicles + these eggs are not material to work with or it's too pricey to try, I'll be just as happy that I had (if confirmed again), for all of these 7 years --- 2 eggs.